Help Us Build Our New Home!


We are pleased to announce that Living Waters Therapeutic Catholic Counseling Center is moving to its new home adjacent to St. Francis of Assisi Church in Greenlawn, New York. 

Living Waters was founded by Carol Rubano, LCSW-R, ACSW, in the year 2000, as an alternative to secular therapy. Recognizing that this type of therapy is popular in the world but is at times in conflict with a Catholic values system, Carol set out to create something different. 

“I was blessed and encouraged by my husband, our three children, and three priests to venture out into the unknown,” said Carol. “For the past 22 years, we have serviced thousands of men, women, children, and families. Many have found healing, expectant hope, and perhaps a renewal of their connection to God,” she added. 

“Our location was hidden in the back of the former convent at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church,” explains Carol Rubano, “I called us Back Door Folks and sometimes we were called the best-kept secret on Long Island. We appreciate the generosity of St. Elizabeth for the past 18 years.” 

The new home of Living Waters is not by accident, but by design. 

For over a decade, Father Peter Kaczmarek, the Pastor of St. Francis of Assisi parish, has also served as the Spiritual Director of the staff of Living Waters. His understanding and invaluable encouragement of Living Waters’ mission is based on his training in pastoral counseling. “Apart from the revenue that Living Waters will generate for St. Francis as our tenant, the opportunity to collaborate with Carol Rubano and her staff, is a blessing for the entire community of St. Francis,” said Father Peter. 

An abundance of time, talent, and treasure have been part of this project from its inception. All permits and approvals are in place and construction is underway. Both Living Waters and St. Francis of Assisi have and will continue to ask for support for this project. If you wish to donate, please click here.

Living Waters Therapeutic Catholic Counseling is dedicated to healing the whole individual with an integrated approach to the intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual, to help everyone become their most authentic self; it is truly Wholistic Healing Through God’s Love. 

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