Gracias Living Waters

Gracias Living Waters

Gracia Living Waters Quiero agradecerle a María porque pude subirme al avión para viajar y no necesité tomarme pastillas. He estado con mi abuelita cuatro veces y me la he pasado de lo más bonito con mi familia después de 15 años. Le agradezco en el alma por toda su...
Living Waters, NGT (No One Goes Thirsty)

Living Waters, NGT (No One Goes Thirsty)

Living Waters, NGT (No One Goes Thirsty) I wanted to write for this month’s blog.  What better way but to choose a topic that puts my own self into the story. I would go to church and see the flyer for Living Waters and pass it by – not surprising given my, at times,...
Death and Resurrection

Death and Resurrection

Death and Resurrection What is the block that prevents us from internalizing God’s Love? At Living Waters, the work revolves around removing the blocks caused by human life events stopping a person from internalizing this truth. People have a hard time when someone...
What is Luck?

What is Luck?

What is Luck? So in these moments of Grace let’s look at the difference between what’s luck got to do with and What’s love got to do with it. What is luck? People who believe in luck see life as something they do not directly control. Sometimes they believe that  luck...
What Is Love?

What Is Love?

What Is Love? So in these moments of Grace let’s look at the difference between what’s luck got to do with and What’s love got to do with it. What is luck? People who believe in luck see life as something they do not directly control. Sometimes they believe that luck...