Help Wanted!

Help Wanted!

Help Wanted! We are looking for therapists who will help us realize our mission of Wholistic Healing Through God’s Love. Listen to a short message from our Director, Carol Rubano, on the benefits of combining ministry with counseling. Recent articles Easter,...
A Career and A Ministry – Not a Mutually Exclusive Dichotomy

A Career and A Ministry – Not a Mutually Exclusive Dichotomy

A Career and A Ministry – Not a Mutually Exclusive Dichotomy I’ve known many people that feverishly pursued a successful and financially rewarding career with all the bells and whistles and lifestyles it offers and others who eschewed traditional careers to get...
We’re Hiring Clinicians!

We’re Hiring Clinicians!

We’re Hiring Clinicians! Catholic therapists integrate principles of both mental healthcare and Catholic teachings. Emphasizing a compassionate, non- judgmental listening, while including ethical considerations aligned with Catholic values. Clinicians will...
Be Wise! Use Your Gifts at Living Waters

Be Wise! Use Your Gifts at Living Waters

Be Wise! Use Your Gifts at Living Waters We are familiar with the gifts of the Wise Men, but Pope Francis challenges us to use the gifts that we receive:  The gifts of The Call, Discernment and Surprise. A Feast Day Message from Pope Francis Living Waters is looking...


HAPPY NEW YEAR As we step in the fresh canvas of 2024, let us embrace gratitude for the everyday blessings that often go unnoticed. Here are some simple yet profound things to be grateful for: 1. SUNRISE: The gentle rise of the sun, painting the sky with hues of pink...