The Importance of a Mom and Mothering

The Importance of a Mom and Mothering

As Mother’s Day approaches many of us celebrate our moms in body or spirit.  Unfortunately, there are others who may not have known a mom or had a close relationship like many of us enjoy.  But read on, we can all be mothered if we just allow it.

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Mary’s Fiat

Mary’s Fiat

…“Blessed art thou amongst women,” reminds us of the dignity and honor of every person. It is a celebration of the divine spark within each of us, a recognition of our inherent worth and potential…

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On the Road to Emmaus

On the Road to Emmaus

The story of the disciples’ encounter with Jesus is a profound reminder that sometimes, it is in the breaking of bread and the sharing of our stories that our eyes are truly opened.

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The Importance of a Mom and Mothering

The Importance of a Mom and Mothering

As Mother’s Day approaches many of us celebrate our moms in body or spirit.  Unfortunately, there are others who may not have known a mom or had a close relationship like many of us enjoy.  But read on, we can all be mothered if we just allow it.

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Mary’s Fiat

Mary’s Fiat

…“Blessed art thou amongst women,” reminds us of the dignity and honor of every person. It is a celebration of the divine spark within each of us, a recognition of our inherent worth and potential…

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On the Road to Emmaus

On the Road to Emmaus

The story of the disciples’ encounter with Jesus is a profound reminder that sometimes, it is in the breaking of bread and the sharing of our stories that our eyes are truly opened.

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The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd

In the embrace of the Good Shepherd, we find a love that is willing to sacrifice, a care that knows no bounds, and a dedication that endures. This passage from John 10:11-18 speaks to the heart of wholistic healing—a healing that encompasses not just the body, but the soul and spirit.

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