Blessed St. Joseph’s Day

Blessed St. Joseph’s Day

In this sacred month of March, as we pay tribute to St. Joseph, let us hold close the memory of his steadfast faith and silent fortitude.

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St. Patrick, Extend your Prayers to Us

St. Patrick, Extend your Prayers to Us

As we bask in the vibrant festivities of St. Patrick’s Day, let’s raise a toast to the unyielding human spirit, a reflection of St. Patrick’s own remarkable journey. St. Patrick, the beloved guardian of Ireland, epitomized humility, courage, and dedication. His tale...

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Welcome Joe Talluri

Welcome Joe Talluri

Joe Talluri has 10 years of experience in youth development working together with Don Bosco Salesians and trained to be a missionary in heart and spirit for the lost and least. Joe has 20 years of experience as a Social Worker (Specialized in Youth Development), Legal...

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As we step in the fresh canvas of 2024, let us embrace gratitude for the everyday blessings that often go unnoticed. Here are some simple yet profound things to be grateful for: 1. SUNRISE: The gentle rise of the sun, painting the sky with hues of pink and gold,...

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Our Gifts for Jesus

Our Gifts for Jesus

Season’s Greetings, Happy Holidays and lastly, Xmas. What is missing in these popular slogans?  It is the one word: Christ.  Have we lost the true meaning of Christmas?  Has the modern world taken over? Are we frantically running around looking for gifts and bargains?

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