As we step in the fresh canvas of 2024, let us embrace gratitude for the everyday blessings that often go unnoticed. Here are some simple yet profound things to be grateful for: 1. SUNRISE: The gentle rise of the sun, painting the sky with hues of pink and gold,...

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Mental Health Care for Dads

Mental Health Care for Dads

Father’s Day is a great reminder of the importance of a mentally healthy dad. A dad who makes his mental health a priority is more present with his children, happier at home, and a more supportive partner.

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1/2 Full vs 1/2 Empty

1/2 Full vs 1/2 Empty

It takes a lot to help a stubborn person that believes they are right. I recently started seeing a therapist through Living Waters.

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Blessed Saint Joseph

Blessed Saint Joseph

One day during a visit to church, I sat in front of the Saint Joseph statue. I looked up and wondered what really was he like.

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