Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas

Thanksgiving is a time of celebration and gratitude, when people come together to give thanks for the blessings they have received during the year, but it can also be a time of loneliness, depression and stress for some. 

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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

We’d like to share a beautiful story of gratitude from one of our clients   THANKSGIVING The definition of Thanksgiving in the dictionary states it is an annual US Holiday observed on the fourth Thursday of November.  It is a formal public expression of thanks to God....

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What is Luck?

What is Luck?

So in these Moments of Grace let’s look at the difference between what’s luck got to do with and What’s love got to do with it.

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What Is Love?

What Is Love?

So in these moments of Grace let’s look at the difference between what’s luck got to do with and What’s love got to do with it. What is luck? People who believe in luck see life as something they do not directly control. Sometimes they believe that luck will be their...

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2023 Thank You Appeal

2023 Thank You Appeal

Thank you for supporting Living Waters Therapeutic Catholic Counseling. With much gratitude the mission of Livh2o continues through the angels who gave of their wealth to help others.

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