Psychotherapy and Religious Values

Jul 4, 2023 | Blog

Oftentimes people think that religious beliefs and psychotherapy are mutually exclusive. After all, the majority largely work and play in a secular world, where religious beliefs are often internalized.  Traditional therapists and doctors, we’ve been taught, are science based—sort of rigid, with a proven system of analysis and actions.  Religious beliefs are ours to enjoy, but we assume it has little relevance in the mental health process of professionals. Well it does have a place and can be at the core of treatment and success.

Considering almost half of American households have had at least one member seek mental health resources in the last decade, with the number rapidly increasing, there is a growing need for therapy.  The rise in social media use and digital communications has led to isolation of many with less and less person-to-person contact.  The pandemic was gasoline on the fire.  Hence, many times small issues can become big ones without a human connection. Anxiety and depression flourish, as we are more alone with our thoughts than ever before.  But whom can we always count on in times of trouble, frankly 365 days a year—-God.  The Creator. Let that sink in for a moment—the Creator.   Of it ALL. And yes God and science ARE mutually inclusive. Heck, He created science. And as a Catholic, without God, and incorporation of His commands as a Father, one can never fully heal and live a rewarding and healthy life.  Therapists can utilize traditional science structured around a Catholic belief system to make us accountable, accepting and open to better mental health.

As Catholics, we can take solace in successful science, however God gave science to us.  Catholic therapists know He is the creator.  He made us.  He made the world we live in and only He can truly help us via His love.  That’s why we often start and end with a prayer.  The way to find true comfort and understanding is by seeking His wisdom and guidance within the traditional realm to create a 360-degree healing plan. He will guide our therapists and our healing, if we allow Him. We may feel we are suffering, but who endured suffering more than Christ, and Christ can heal wounds.  Let Him.  Give it to Him. 

Catholic values go to the heart of our transition to fully living—mentally, spiritually and physically.  These include:

-Dignity—every human being is created in the image and likeness of God and is precious. Over all things.    

-Family and Community. Everyone, regardless of race, sex, ethnicity, economics, political beliefs, age, health are all in the same worldly family. None better or worse.  In ones own internal family, faithfulness and adherence to Gods commands are essential and liberating.

-Care and respect for the less fortunate. Put their needs before our own. 

-Solidarity. Maintain human dignity and fairness for all, to give all the tools spiritually and practically one needs.  Love thy neighbor here and in far away lands.

-Care and share the gifts of Gods creation—the body we reside in, the planet we live on and the creatures we interact with.  

All of the above and Jesus Christ’s teachings below are the foundation for Living Waters Therapeutic Catholic counseling service’s mission.  

-Love God.

-Love your neighbor as yourself.

-Forgive others who have wronged you. 

-Love and pray for your enemies.

-Ask God for forgiveness of your sins.

Psychotherapy from a Catholic perspective as practiced at Living Waters may have things in common with pastoral counseling. We may use scripture, church teachings and prayer to support and inspire clients but we are not theologians.  We use the faith and catholic values/teachings as our engine.  We help heal the individual with an integrated whole approach—intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual.  If we follow Christ’s commands—love for God, ourselves and others, forgiveness, respect for all around us, and give Him our worries, realizing what we can change and what we cannot, we can live an enjoyable, loving and less anxiety driven life because after all, our faith teaches us its all really up to Him.  Follow His lead, He never fails us.  Put it all on Him. 

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