Thank you to the Townwide Fund of Huntington

Apr 8, 2024 | Blog

It is with a very grateful heart that we thank The Townwide Fund of Huntington for providing over 6,000 clinical hours of counseling to those in most need.

Recent articles

The Importance of a Mom and Mothering

The Importance of a Mom and Mothering

As Mother’s Day approaches many of us celebrate our moms in body or spirit.  Unfortunately, there are others who may not have known a mom or had a close relationship like many of us enjoy.  But read on, we can all be mothered if we just allow it.

Mary’s Fiat

Mary’s Fiat

…“Blessed art thou amongst women,” reminds us of the dignity and honor of every person. It is a celebration of the divine spark within each of us, a recognition of our inherent worth and potential…